There are three types of course requirements for the PhD program at Washington State University:
A thorough understanding of “tools of the trade” in social sciences will provide a strong foundation for your PhD studies at WSU.
POL S 501: The Scope of Political Science
Basic issues in social science epistemology, elements of social science theory-building, theoretic frameworks, and intellectual history of political science.
POL S 502: Seminar in Political Theory
A basic training in normative political theory.
(With approval, POL S 511 may be substituted.)
POL S 503: Introduction to Political Science Research Methods
An overview of social science research design, including: theories and concepts, measurement, sampling, data sources, experimental and quasi-experimental designs, field and historical designs, and survey research.
POL S 504: Quantitative Methods in Political Science
Applied statistical skills and theories of probability, enabling understanding of substantive political and social questions.
POL S 539: Professionalization Practicum
Methods, problems, and purposes of teaching, research, and vocation in political science.
Built into our problem-driven research approach are three foundational areas of political science investigations for you to choose from:
Institutions and Processes
A macro-social approach encompassing institutional and structural phenomena.
Behavior and Psychology
Delve into how and why people think about politics and behave in political settings.
Theory and Philosophy
A normative approach encompassing both the history of political thought and how theory can address problems in contemporary political life.
Flexibility in selecting courses allows you to develop expertise in a specialized sub-field—for example, focusing on political psychology within the behavior and psychology foundational area.
See the WSU catalog for ideas.
Following your foundational training, you will continue to build critical skills in research and methodology while further refining your area of specialization and dissertation research.
- American Politics
- Global Politics
- Public Policy/Public Administration
See the WSU catalog for ideas.
Contact us
Michael Salamone
Graduate Director
Diane Scott
Graduate Coordinator
WSU Pullman Office
801 Johnson Tower